Young Adults

welcoming, Jesus-centred community

Sundays at 7pm, Redwood Park Church

Thank you so much for checking out Redwood YA! We're a community of young adults (18-25, 26) that gather weekly to connect, have fun together, worship, grow, and pray.  We desire to be a welcoming, Jesus-centred group where young adults can be reconciled with God and join in His mission to see our city transformed.

If you're a YA looking for community – whether a follower of Jesus already, just searching, or somewhere in between – we'd love for you to join us!

I'm New

If you’re wanting to try out Young Adults for the first time: we're so glad you've checked us out!  The best way to know what is going on is to head over to our @redwoodparkya Instagram. There you’ll find the updated information for the week and also get to know the community a little more.
As you prepare to come, here’s the general flow of our weekly Sunday nights, so you know what to expect:

6:45PM | Doors Open
7:00PM | Soft Start: Come in, get settled, meet new people!
7:30PM | Group Game or Activity:
Something for us all to engage with!
8:00PM | Group Time:
Catching up, getting into our study for the night
9:00PM | Soft End: Feel free to still hang!
9:30PM | Doors Close

Some weeks the flow is a little different, especially on worship nights and holiday weekends, so check the Instagram to stay updated.

Let us know down below or on Instagram if you have any questions – otherwise, we hope to see you there!


Do you have any more questions or comments regarding Young Adults? Feel free to reach out to our team by email or by messaging us on our @redwoodparkya instagram.