Welcome to the Viewpoint

Newcomer's Lunch | Jan. 12 

Are you new to Redwood Park Church? Come join us for lunch!

Newcomer's Lunch is a great way for people new to Redwood to meet the leadership and get connected to the life of the church. Discover who we are, meet others who are also new, and learn how you can take your next step in following Jesus and joining the community of faith at Redwood.

Alpha | Begins Jan. 16

Do you ever wonder if there is more to life than this? Do you ever long to connect to something, be a part of something bigger? If so, we invite you to come and explore your questions through Alpha.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore life, faith, and meaning. It is open to anyone who wants to explore the big questions in an open and informal environment.

Christianity + Culture | a new small group study

Beginning January 2025, Christianity + Culture is a multi-week video series with discussion guide that we'll be offering through our Small Group ministry that lives at the intersection of our faith in Christ and the world in which we live.

Winter Ministry Launch

Find your next step into the life of our community.  Check out the ministries launching in the new year!

Authentic Community Triads

Every person needs a place for faith, hope, and love - a social and spiritual context where grace and truth abound.  We all need authentic community.  If this sounds like what you are looking for, we'd like to invite you to join an Authentic Community Triad.

Man of God Breakfast Series

A weekly breakfast series to feature spiritually mature Redwood men as speakers to encourage and equip men of all ages and at any stage in their faith journey to be a man of God in every area of life rather than simply conform to expectations.

YA Winter Re-launch  |  Jan. 12

Young Adults formally starts back up for the winter semester! Join us at the church on Sunday, January 12th as we kick off the 2025 year of YA with a night of food, games, reconnection, and some important community updates!

Ladies' Interact - Isaiah  |  Jan. 15

Learn to rest in God's promises and grow in trust.  Women of all ages are invited to gather on Wednesday morning for a seven-week study on the Book of Isaiah. 

Redwood Youth reLaunch  |  Jan. 15

Redwood Youth returns for the winter semester! Starting JANUARY 15th, Youth is back from the month of January until the end of the school year. Whether your Jr. High or Sr. High youth has already been attending or would like to start for the first time, we're so excited to welcome the youth for a new year!! 

Celebrate Recovery  |  Jan. 20

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step course designed to guide you to freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups through the transforming power of Biblical truth. It brings hope to those tough hurts, habits and hang-ups that hinder us from moving forward in our faith journey.

Looking Ahead

Ash Wednesday

March 5

All Events & Ministries

Check out the calendar to see all of the upcoming events and ministries happening each week and beyond!

Connection Card

Want to learn more about Redwood and how to get involved?  Have any questions you would like to ask?  Fill out a connection card and begin your next steps into the life of our church.

Sign-up for our Newsletter

We typically send a newsletter out each month with news, resources, and other things pertaining to our life together in the church.  If you'd like to receive the latest community updates in your email inbox, sign up below!

Prayer Request

God invites us to bring our requests to Him and to share our requests with others who can pray alongside us.  We believe in the power of prayer.  How can we begin praying with you?
Those are the updates for this week! If there are any other ways we can support or encourage you, please contact one of our pastors; we’d love to connect with you!

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