Redwood Park Men

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Redwood Park Men (RPM) wants to give men the opportunity to walk shoulder to shoulder with each other through serving opportunities, classes, and accountability groups to spur each other on to grow in their faith.

Men's Hikes

RPM Hikes are a low-stakes, fun way to connect with other guys, do something active, explore the beauty of our region. We also get together for dinner afterwards. The hikes are generally for all experience-levels, but you are always free to just join us for dinner.
Who: Men of all ages
When: Twice Monthly beginning Sept. 2024
Sept 8 - Sea Lion Head
Sept 22 - Finger Point
Oct 6 - Rosslyn
Oct 20 - Rabbit Mountain
Nov 3 - Trowbridge Falls
Nov 17 - Grey Cup Party
Dec 1 - Tree Farm
Dec 15 - Centennial Park.


If you are looking for a little help with life’s problems, or need somebody to just listen, we can help to match you up with someone who has been down that path.

Brothers in the Word

Pursuing Jesus is the way to the most incredible life in every way: satisfying relationships, a strong sense of purpose, deep self-knowledge, wisdom for great life decisions, and a personal connection to the God of the Universe, powering you to change the world.

If you’d like to kick your pursuit of Jesus into high gear, check out “Brothers in the Word”, a ministry of Redwood Park Men. It’s groups of three to five guys who commit to meeting weekly for at least a year. The goal is to steadily build the daily habits that Jesus taught and lived as you encourage and support one another with honesty and transparency.

Meetings begin with habit progress reports and praying for God’s power for your brothers. Then you study the Bible to get to know Jesus better. This is “Brothers in the Word”.

Senior Men's Breakfast

Come to share breakfast with other men who have experienced life to its fullest. It’s a place where senior iron sharpens senior iron.
When: Every 2nd Wednesday at 8:30am
Where: Tina’s Breakfast and Lunch on Memorial