As a community being reconciled through Jesus, Redwood Park Church joins God in His mission to see all people reconciled to Him, the earth, to each other, and themselves. Living on Mission is how we practically, tangibly, and faithfully love and serve our city, our region, and our world.
Serve the City
A primary focus of Redwood’s outreach strategy will always encompass justice issues such as addressing issues of poverty, racism, discrimination, and understanding uses of power and privilege. At Redwood, we want to be a Church for the City and to be people for all people of the city.

We are a volunteer organization run by Redwood Park Church, and a member of the Regional Food Distribution Association (RFDA). We serve clients and their families throughout the city and area who are need of emergency food.

Serve the Region
Covering almost half of Ontario, the Northeastern Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario region is largely inaccessible by road but is easily one of the most scenic areas in Canada. The region contains the Rainy River, Kenora, and Thunder Bay Districts and many small communities: Red Lake, Sioux Lookout, Greenstone, and Fort Frances, among others. With over 90 First Nation reserves and many small communities each with their own story, the opportunities abound to learn and listen.
Serve the World
We support global outreach projects by contributing annually to the Alliance Global Advance Fund (GAF). Jesus motivates us to go, to live on mission, aiming to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, Mission-focused movement.
With approximately 250 international workers spanning the globe, more than 40% are in countries that closed their doors to traditional missionaries long ago. These countries are now referred to as Creative Access Countries. Each area in our global regions has a broad range of both physical and spiritual needs that intertwine in the lives of those who live there.
With approximately 250 international workers spanning the globe, more than 40% are in countries that closed their doors to traditional missionaries long ago. These countries are now referred to as Creative Access Countries. Each area in our global regions has a broad range of both physical and spiritual needs that intertwine in the lives of those who live there.
With your time and skill
We want to know if you feel called to serve with our Missional Engagement Ministries. Fill out our online volunteer form and a team lead will contact you to discuss opportunities.
With a donation
Giving to Redwood Park Church is a great way to directly support the work of the Food Bank, Missions, and Ministries. Click below if you are interested in supporting us with a financial gift.
Share your story
Stories are a powerful way of sharing and encouraging others to live faithfully in Jesus. We'd love to hear your story of how God has changed your life.