
Below are some opportunities for you to step into. If you are exploring, or new to faith, you might consider First Steps. If you've been journeying with Jesus for some time, Next Steps, and if you've been walking with the Lord for years, Closer Steps. We hope that in these links and descriptions you’ll find your next step into the richness of life together as we seek to grow deeper in friendship with Jesus and wider in our service to the world.

First Steps

If you are exploring or new to faith.
For anyone looking to explore the foundations of Christian faith - Alpha is a film series that allows anyone to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment.  In each session, there is a short talk and discussion in small groups.
The Bible Course
For anyone looking to grow deeper in their love and understanding of the Bible - The Bible Course is an 8-week series that will help you grow in your understanding of the Bible. It shows how the key books, famous characters and epic events form one BIG story, from Genesis to Revelation, and it provides tools and skills that help apply the Bible to everyday life.
Celebrate Recovery
For anyone feeling frustrated by old habits or hurting deeply, needing God’s love - Celebrate Recovery is a series to guide you to freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups through the transforming power of Biblical truth.  It brings hope to those tough hurts, habits and hang-ups that hinder us from moving forward in our faith journey.

Next Steps

If you've been journeying with Jesus for some time and are ready to go deeper.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
For anyone looking for the tools to develop a deep interior friendship with Jesus - EHS is an 8-week film series that explores themes that touch places beneath the surface of our lives.  This includes, but is not limited to: the problem of emotionally unhealthy spirituality, going back in order to go forward in life, journeying through the wall, enlarging your soul through grief and loss, and discovering the rhythm of the daily office.
Emotionally Healthy Relationships
For anyone looking to develop practical relationship skills to love others like Jesus -   EHR is an 8-week film series that will equip you with practical tools to really love people in difficult situations and mature into an adult follower of Jesus. This includes, but is not limited to: learning healthy, life-changing communication skills, discovering how your family history impacts relationships, exploring how God is meeting you in your emotions, and learning mature conflict resolution.
Christianity & Culture
This is a multi-week video series course for anyone that is looking to explore the intersection of our faith in Christ, and the culture in which we live.

Closer Steps

If you've been walking with the Lord for years and desire to continue to grow in Him.
Authentic Community Triads
Every person needs a place for faith, hope and love - a social and spiritual context where grace and truth abound. We all need authentic community. If this sounds like what you are looking for, we'd like to invite you to join an Authentic Community Triad.

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