Authentic Community Triad

There is a deep longing in every human being for relationship - for unconditional love, trust and fellowship - with God and other people. In fact, God created you for relationship.

But, do you have a place where other people know you and accept you as you are? Do you have a safe place where you can admit weakness and doubt without being judged by others? Do you have friends with whom you can celebrate your strengths with true joy? Do you have brothers and sisters in the faith who will walk with you; who will pray with you through heartache and encourage you through hardship?

Every person needs a place for faith, hope and love - a social and spiritual context where grace and truth abound. We all need authentic community.

If this sounds like what you are looking for, we'd like to invite you to join an Authentic Community Triad.

How does this practically work?

  • Find 2 other people you would like to begin meeting with weekly for a number of weeks (if you don't have people to start this with, we will try to connect you to others wanting to join a triad). 
  • Then click the button on this page to start the process.
  • Pastor Jay will then connect with you and get you the Authentic Community Triad material for your group
  • Book your first gathering, and watch God do His good work. 

Interested? Have questions? Contact Pastor Jay to learn more about it.