Throughout the season of Advent, we were reminded of the Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love that find their fullness and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. And his incarnation really is an astounding thing - that the Son of God would eternally take on a physical body to cross the gap between Creator and creation, to invite and draw us into the eternal dance of God's trinitarian love. It's a wonderful mystery that inspired our Advent sermon series, Wonder.
Through the series we were invited to see the familiar - us, creation, the miraculous/mundane, child-like faith - with new eyes. And this wasn't just the content of the messages. We got to experience it on Sunday's through the beauty of the Northern Lights art installation on the stage, and the experience of being led in worship by our Redwood Kids. We experienced it throughout the week through all of the year-end ministry parties and wrap-ups, the Steve Bell concert, and the dinners many of you hosted in your homes. We sought to make it more tangible through formalizing our partnership with Northwind Family Ministries. And finally, we gathered together on Christmas Eve to proclaim that "He is born" and to be reminded of the light that grows as we come together in worship and spreads as we move out into our city.
What a December!
Through the series we were invited to see the familiar - us, creation, the miraculous/mundane, child-like faith - with new eyes. And this wasn't just the content of the messages. We got to experience it on Sunday's through the beauty of the Northern Lights art installation on the stage, and the experience of being led in worship by our Redwood Kids. We experienced it throughout the week through all of the year-end ministry parties and wrap-ups, the Steve Bell concert, and the dinners many of you hosted in your homes. We sought to make it more tangible through formalizing our partnership with Northwind Family Ministries. And finally, we gathered together on Christmas Eve to proclaim that "He is born" and to be reminded of the light that grows as we come together in worship and spreads as we move out into our city.
What a December!
And now a new year is upon us, filled with new opportunities and new invitations to follow Jesus where he leads - a Food Bank Grand Re-Opening Dedication, Authentic Community Triads, Man of God Breakfasts, Isaiah: a Ladies' Interact study, Alpha, Celebrate Recovery, Youth, Young Adults, and more... and that's just January!
As we move from Christmas into the season of Epiphany - a season about seeing - may we keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to wonder as we follow him. And may we be ready for what he is going to do in and through us.
As we move from Christmas into the season of Epiphany - a season about seeing - may we keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to wonder as we follow him. And may we be ready for what he is going to do in and through us.
A Prayer for Epiphany
Biblical scholar, Walter Brueggeman has a beautiful Epiphany prayer called There is a time to be born, and it is now. Let's join in praying this excerpt together:
"We dare pray that you will do for us and among us and through us
what is needful for newness.
Give us the power to be receptive,
to take the newness you give,
to move from womb warmth to real life.
We make this prayer not only for ourselves, but
for our schools at the brink of birth,
for the church at the edge of life,
for our city waiting for newness,
for your whole creation, with which we yearn in eager longing.
There is a time to be born, and it is now.
We sense the pangs and groans of your newness.
Come here now in the name of Jesus. Amen."
Thank you so much for reading!
Peace of Christ.
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(Prayer from Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth by Walter Brueggemann)
"We dare pray that you will do for us and among us and through us
what is needful for newness.
Give us the power to be receptive,
to take the newness you give,
to move from womb warmth to real life.
We make this prayer not only for ourselves, but
for our schools at the brink of birth,
for the church at the edge of life,
for our city waiting for newness,
for your whole creation, with which we yearn in eager longing.
There is a time to be born, and it is now.
We sense the pangs and groans of your newness.
Come here now in the name of Jesus. Amen."
Thank you so much for reading!
Peace of Christ.
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(Prayer from Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth by Walter Brueggemann)