Sunday Recap - Oct. 13, 2024

Here's a recap of Sunday's liturgy with scriptures, songs and other notable elements:
Call to Worship: Psalm 46:1-7 NLT
God is our refuge and strength,
    always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come
    and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
    Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Selah

A river brings joy to the city of our God,
    the sacred home of the Most High.
God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed.
    From the very break of day, God will protect it.
The nations are in chaos,
    and their kingdoms crumble!
God’s voice thunders,
    and the earth melts!
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;
    the God of Israel is our fortress. Selah

Songs of Praise
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble? (Delirious?)
Take You At Your Word (Phil Wickham)

Pass the Peace: May the Peace of Christ be with you.
(Send this blessing to the first person that pops into your head)

Community Life - Samuel Sarpiya (Pastor of Spiritual Formation)
• The Food Bank has come home!  We are so grateful for the volunteers who made the first Food Bank here in our building such a smooth and successful experience.

• Thank you as always for giving. So many of you give above and beyond to things you believe in, and we are blessed to be a part of your giving. Your generosity moves us forward in our mission. If you haven't begun giving maybe you'd consider it, not out of a place of guilt, but out of an invitation from Jesus. To learn more about giving and how your generosity is investing in the Kingdom of God here in Thunder Bay, visit
Prayer for the Body of Christ
For our church community, and the communities of Christ Lutheran Church & Kitchitwa Kateri Church

Song of Confession
• Amen (HTB Worship)
Sermon - A Triptych of Stories
One of the things we regularly do as a staff is share stories of where we have seen God at work in our church over the last couple of weeks.  We thought we would take a Sunday to expand this to the whole church, so we have invited some folks - Larry & Torika - to come and share where they have seen God at work in their lives over the last year.
We also heard from Ray & Eleanor about how and why they live lives of hospitality.
"The gifts of God for the people of God."
• New Wine (Hillsong Worship)

Songs of Response
 Firm Foundation (Cody Carnes & Maverick City)

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

How can we pray with you?  Fill out our Prayer Request Form
Want to listen to the songs we sang this past Sunday?  Check out our playlists:
•Sunday Recap | Spotify & Apple Music
•Redwood Worship Playlist | Spotify & Apple Music
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