Sunday Recap - August 11, 2024

Here's a recap of Sunday's liturgy with scriptures, songs and other notable elements:
Call to Worship: Psalm 111:1-4 NLT
Praise the Lord!
I will thank the Lord with all my heart
as I meet with his godly people.
How amazing are the deeds of the Lord!
All who delight in him should ponder them.
Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty.
His righteousness never fails.
He causes us to remember his wonderful works.
How gracious and merciful is our Lord!

Songs of Praise
This is Amazing Grace (Phil Wickham)
 King of My Heart (John Mark & Sarah McMillan)

Pass the Peace: May the Peace of Christ be with you.
(Send this blessing to the first person that pops into your head)

Community Life - Jay Ewing (Spiritual Formation Pastor)
• Thank you for giving! To learn more about giving and how your generosity is investing in the Kingdom of God here in Thunder Bay, visit
• Welcome to our new Sr. High & Young Adults Pastor, Graeme Gibson!

Song of Confession
Resurrender (Hillsong Worship)
Sermon - Milissa Ewing
Text: Psalm 139
Big Idea: Because God is transcendent and immanentwe can be honest and trust Him.

Communion (the gifts of God for the people of God)
I Surrender All (Hymn)

Prayer/Song of Response
Gratitude (Benjamin Hastings)

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

How can we pray with you?  Fill out our Prayer Request Form
Want to listen to the songs we sang this past Sunday?  Check out our playlists:
•Sunday Recap | Spotify & Apple Music
•Redwood Worship Playlist | Spotify & Apple Music
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