On Mission... Together
God has given us a mission to be a Jesus-centered, Spirit-led community of reconciliation; to join him in his work of reconciling all people to God, themselves, each other and the earth. And our hope is that we would all participate, together, in this good work that God is doing in our church and in our city. It takes all of us to be the Church.
Our mission moves forward at the speed of our generosity. Your giving helps us do the things that God has called us to do. This includes everything that happens in our community; from our Sunday services and Kids Church to ministries like Youth, YA, Alpha, the Redemptive Healing Team (RHT), and more. Along with these ministries that seek to draw us deeper in our relationship with Christ, we also seek to go wider on mission and service to the world outside the walls of the church. To this end, your giving supports the Redwood Park Food Bank, the Global Advance Fund, and New Ventures like Northwind Family Ministries.
Thank you for your continued generosity and investment in God’s work here in Thunder Bay and beyond.
Our mission moves forward at the speed of our generosity. Your giving helps us do the things that God has called us to do. This includes everything that happens in our community; from our Sunday services and Kids Church to ministries like Youth, YA, Alpha, the Redemptive Healing Team (RHT), and more. Along with these ministries that seek to draw us deeper in our relationship with Christ, we also seek to go wider on mission and service to the world outside the walls of the church. To this end, your giving supports the Redwood Park Food Bank, the Global Advance Fund, and New Ventures like Northwind Family Ministries.
Thank you for your continued generosity and investment in God’s work here in Thunder Bay and beyond.
A New Fiscal Year-End
This past year, as you likely have heard, Redwood became incorporated. This change has many implications for us as a community - one of which is the shift in our financial year. Previously our financial year followed the calendar year - from January to December. With incorporation, we have aligned our finances with our ministry year - from July to June - in order to more effectively plan and fund ministry in accordance with our vision and mission.
This means that our new financial year begins in just a few weeks.
This means that our new financial year begins in just a few weeks.
A Unified Budget
In conjunction with our move to incorporation and the shift in our financial year, we have simplified our budget process by moving to a unified budget. A unified budget simply means that all funds and expenses are included in the same overall budget. This is something that our Board of Elders has been discussing for several years.
There are many advantages to this change. One of them is that the move to incorporation requires us to have annual formal audits, which will further increase financial accountability, and the unified budget will help us ensure clean audits each year.
What this means practically is that both Missions and the Food Bank will now be part of the overall general budget. This is good news as it allows us to make more informed and cohesive ministry plans to ensure that our spending aligns with our values and missions. In fact, because of this change, we have increased our missions budget for next year, and are in the process of recruiting a Missional Engagement Pastor who will lead the charge in this crucial area. This, along with our plan to move the Food Bank into our current facility, will all be made possible by your giving to our General Fund.
There are many advantages to this change. One of them is that the move to incorporation requires us to have annual formal audits, which will further increase financial accountability, and the unified budget will help us ensure clean audits each year.
What this means practically is that both Missions and the Food Bank will now be part of the overall general budget. This is good news as it allows us to make more informed and cohesive ministry plans to ensure that our spending aligns with our values and missions. In fact, because of this change, we have increased our missions budget for next year, and are in the process of recruiting a Missional Engagement Pastor who will lead the charge in this crucial area. This, along with our plan to move the Food Bank into our current facility, will all be made possible by your giving to our General Fund.

A Financial Update
As we shared this past Sunday, we are currently $30,812 behind in our projected giving. We’d love to close that gap by June 30.
As we are currently interviewing a Missional Engagement Pastor candidate, and a Youth & Young Adults Pastor candidate, we want to start this next year strong! We know God is doing a good work here that requires good pastors to join our team. This is where you come in!
If you have not yet done so, we invite you to begin your generosity journey with Redwood. Click here for more info.
If you have given a gift in the past, thank you! We invite you to consider becoming a regular contributor to God’s good work. Click here to sign up for regular giving.
If you are already a regular giver, thank you! Would you consider increasing your monthly amount to contribute to these new crucial pastor positions? Or consider an above-and-beyond donation to help us close our year-end gap so we can start this next year strong?
Once again, we are grateful for a community that is growing into who God has called us to be for the sake of our city becoming one of the best places to live for all people, in Jesus’ name.
If you have any questions or are wondering how to change any pre-authorized giving to Missions or the Food Bank, please contact joel@redwoodpark.ca.
As we are currently interviewing a Missional Engagement Pastor candidate, and a Youth & Young Adults Pastor candidate, we want to start this next year strong! We know God is doing a good work here that requires good pastors to join our team. This is where you come in!
If you have not yet done so, we invite you to begin your generosity journey with Redwood. Click here for more info.
If you have given a gift in the past, thank you! We invite you to consider becoming a regular contributor to God’s good work. Click here to sign up for regular giving.
If you are already a regular giver, thank you! Would you consider increasing your monthly amount to contribute to these new crucial pastor positions? Or consider an above-and-beyond donation to help us close our year-end gap so we can start this next year strong?
Once again, we are grateful for a community that is growing into who God has called us to be for the sake of our city becoming one of the best places to live for all people, in Jesus’ name.
If you have any questions or are wondering how to change any pre-authorized giving to Missions or the Food Bank, please contact joel@redwoodpark.ca.