Redwood Park Church

Join us in becoming people reconciled to God, ourselves, each other, and the earth.

We are a Jesus-centered, Spirit-empowered community of reconciliation.

We believe that God has a vision for our city: that the followers of Jesus would join God in his work to see all people reconciled to God, to themselves, to each other, and to the earth. We know that this begins with a relationship with Jesus, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and God’s heart to see all people thriving and growing. When this happens, Northwestern Ontario will be transformed; a pocket of Heaven on Earth.

New Season, New Rhythms, New Possibilities!

Join us in-person or online this Sunday at  9:30 & 11:30 am! (livestream at 11:30 am).  It's going to be a beautiful time of worship through song and prayer, and hearing the Word of God in our current teaching series called A Pocket of Heaven.  Join us as we seek the face of God together!

We also have a number of groups and ministries - Alpha, Youth, Young Adults, and more -  starting up over the next couple of weeks.  Check them out!

Weekly Viewpoint

Discover what's happening in the life of our community

Check out the Weekly Viewpoint for the latest news, events, stories, art, and highlights from the life of our community.


In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work and worship on the traditional lands of the Anishinabek Nation and the traditional territory of the Ojibwe of Fort William First Nation, signatory to the Robinson-Superior Treaty of 1850.

We also acknowledge all of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit who reside in this territory.

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