Discerning What to Rebuild

"Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name.  Give your servant success today by granting him favour in the presence of this man."

I was cupbearer to the king.

(Nehemiah 1:11)
As cupbearer to the king of Persia, Nehemiah was in very close proximity to the person with all of the resources and all of the power to help make God’s dream to rebuild Jerusalem happen.  It is not an accident that God allows Nehemiah’s heart to be broken, for he is the very person who has direct access to all of the potential resources. God placed Nehemiah, in advance, in the King’s court, for such a time as this.

What’s your “I was the cupbearer to the king” equivalent?  What’s your present reality that God needs you to see clearly because he’s going to do something within it?  If you’d only stop thinking about the way it used to be or the way you want it to be - and just focus on what is - God might have something to show you in what is already here.

On the first week of our teaching series, Rebuild, we are invited to enter into discernment.  Is God calling you into some sort of rebuild?  Join us in reading along with the Rebuild Bible reading plan (also available from our Redwood App) that will follow the themes for each week of this Rebuild teaching series.  

Additionally, let these questions guide you through this week in your prayer life and journal/write down your reflections:
  • How has God broken your heart?
  • Have you taken the necessary time to grieve and lament?
  • What from the past is no longer working?
  • What patterns of brokenness keep repeating?
  • Have you confessed to God where you’ve turned away from Him?
  • What’s the current reality in your life that God might be able to work with?
    • Connections?
    • Resources? Skills?
    • Opportunities?
  • Can God use any of it for His glory?

As you go through these questions, don’t worry about what you don’t know.  Don’t try to solve the problems.  Don’t get overwhelmed if it all seems to big.  You don’t need to know the finished rebuild project.  That will come in time.  Just allow God to show you what He wants to show you and check out the rest of the teaching series to see where we go from here.
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