Remember: The mission of Redwood Park Church is to join God in His work to see all people reconciled to God, themselves, each other, and the earth. Our communication strategy is to be in service of that mission.
As you fill out this portion of the form, please seek to be clear and compelling, and communicate to and for those who may be new and not yet know about your ministry.
Some guiding questions: Why do you care about this ministry? Why do you think people should come? How do you hope someone will be impacted by attending? How will this help them grow deeper in friendship with Jesus and/or wider in service to the world? How is this an expression of Redwood's mission?
Which channels would you like to utilize to communicate your event/ministry. Please note that we can't guarentee use of every desired channel (and some channels may require additional information/planning) but knowing what you are hoping for helps with planning.
A crucial aspect of effective and impactful communication is meaningful follow-up. How was your event/ministry a success? How many attended? How did Jesus move and work? What fruit has come from this? Effective and meaningful follow-up creates increased interest in the future of your event/ministry, give us more "content" and material to use in future communications, and blesses the body with the stories of God's work in our midst.